Поставка экстракта Cyclocarya Paliurus высшего качества
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Поставка экстракта Cyclocarya Paliurus высшего качества
Наименование товара: Cyclocarya Paliurus
Latin name: Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.)Iljinskaja
Технические характеристики: 5:1, 10:1 or customized
Use Part: Leaf
Появление: Коричневый мелкий порошок
Mesh size: 100% pass 80 Mesh
Метод испытания: TLC
Cyclocarya is a genus of flowering plants in the family Juglandaceae, comprising a single species Cyclocarya paliurus (Wheel Wingnut), formerly treated in the genus Pterocarya as Pterocarya paliurus. It is native to eastern and central China.
It is a deciduous tree growing to 30 m tall. The foliage is similar to Pterocarya, with pinnate leaves 20–25 cm long with five to eleven leaflets, the terminal leaflet present; the leaflets are 5–14 cm long and 2–6 cm broad. The flowers are catkins; the male (pollen) catkins are produced in clusters (not singly as in Pterocarya), the female catkins 25–30 cm long at maturity, bearing several small winged nuts with a circular wing 2.5–6 cm diameter right round the nut (instead of two wings at the sides as in Pterocarya).
Основные функции:
1.Regulation the blood sugar, activation of islet organ function.
2.Promote the metabolism of blood glucose of diabetic treatment, this is a landmark in the history of major discovery,
3.It also can play a refreshing brain, nourishing physique, intelligence and prolong life.
1.It is used against asthma, diarrhoea, cholera, verminosis and gastralgia dyspepsia.
2. It is used in lumbago, hysteria, dyspepsia and worm affection.
3. It is used as surfactant and used for washing hairs and fabrics.