Supply Angelica sinensis Dong Quai root extract Dong Quai extract ligustilide 1% Dahurian Angelica Root Extract
ШАНХАЙ CBAGRO CO., LTD | Профессиональный производитель и поставщик экстрактов натуральных растений |
Supply Angelica sinensis Dong Quai root extract Dong Quai extract ligustilide 1%
Basic information:
English Name : Angelica Sinensis Extract
Latin Name : Ferula assafoetida L.
Plant Extract Orginal : Fructus Aurantii Immaturus
Active Ingredient : Ligustilide
Specification : 1%,2%,3%
Appearance : Whit Powder
Test Method : HPLC
Molecular Formula : C10H10O4
Molecular Weight : 194.19
Introduction about angelica root extract
Angelica, with the scientific name Angelica Archangelica, is a highly valued medicinal herb, which is native to China and the northeastern parts of India. It is widely used in the traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese medicines and regarded as the herbal remedy for a number of ailments.It is a flowering plant, with a characteristic sweet and spicy aroma, which is used for flavoring food and beverages and is nearly related to carrots, dill and fennel. Since it is a medicinal herb, it is used to treat various diseases, like female reproductive disorders and congestion in respiratory tracts, and even acts as stimulant and diuretic.
Dong quai is also known as Chinese angelica. It belongs to the same plant family as parsley, celery, carrots, and poison hemlock. Dong quai has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese medicine. It is one of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine.
Dong quai has been called "female ginseng" because it is commonly used for health conditions in women. The plant has been used for menstrual cramps, anemia associated with menstruation, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pelvic pain, recovery from childbirth or illness, and fatigue or low energy. Dong quai is used in both men and women for heart conditions, high blood pressure, inflammation,headache, infections, and nerve pain.
Benefit of Angelica root extract
- Curing heart-throb,megrim and injuries from falls and also enriching the blood.
- Providing energy,vitality,and resistance to disease.
- Treating anemia,boils,headaches,venous problems,low im-munity,and problems of peripheral blood flow.
- Regulating female hormones,in the treatment of most menstrual and menopausal problems and in pregnancy and delivery.
- A blood tonic,promoting its production and circulation.
- Preventing spasms,relaxing vessels,and reducing blood clotting in peripheral vessels.
- It has a balancing or adaptogenic effect on the female hormonal system.
- It is also used for both men and women with cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and problems with pe-ripheral circulation.
- It is good for treating anemia and weak glands, regulating monthly periods, correcting hot flashes and vaginal spasms (PMS), and assisting women through the difficult transition of menopause.
Good Quality Dahurian Angelica Root Extract Powder
Factory produce angelica root extract with liquid paste and 1 kg for sale
Angelica Root Extract 1% ligustilide
Supply Angelica sinensis Dong Quai root extract Dong Quai extract ligustilide 1%
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